Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mr. Squeaky

Hi there. My name is Mr. Squeaky- also known as Kelly. Mr. Squeaky is a nickname given to me by my students one rainy day a few years ago. It was my first night teaching theatre with these kids, and class was in a gym that had wooden floors. I was wearing tennis shoes, and the minute those shoes hit the floor, they started squeaking. One of the kids, a talented young lady named Raven, asked me if they could call me Mr. Squeaky on account of all the noise my shoes were making. I said, "Sure". And that was that. Forever more, my name was Mr. Squeaky.

Right now, I am teaching theatre in Denver at the Wolf Theatre Academy, which is part of the JCC. This fall, I will be teaching there, as well as offering several classes in theatre up in Boulder. The purpose of this blog is to keep kids and parents up to date on my classes, and to give some general advice on acting.

My first advice- and this applies to all theatre projects- is this: Have Fun. If you aren't having fun, what is the point of doing theatre? And who would want to see a show with people in it who aren't having fun? Life is short, and childhood even shorter- don't waste your time on things that don't make you happy.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them here.

I hope to see you all at the theatre soon.